Happy Back to School season from the Norris Community Library! As we head into Fall, the library has a few updates and announcements to share. The library will be closed Monday, September 4th in observance of the Labor Day holiday. As always, no fines will accrue on accounts while the library is closed. Our online catalog, website, and outdoor book drops will remain available. We hope everyone enjoys their long weekend!


We have a slight change to our program schedule going forward. Project Kid will now be scheduled on Mondays from 3:30-4:30pm. If you need a refresher, Project Kid is our all-new program (replacing STEM Kids) that focuses on project-based activities for kids to build skills like collaboration, design, creative thinking, and more! Project Kid is designed for ages 6-12. No fees or sign ups needed. For September, Project Kid will focus on inventions and inventing things.



Family Game Night will also be changing to the last Tuesday of the month from 4-6pm. We’ll have games and puzzles for the whole family, so come join us!

Ask about any of these services provided by your local library!

Since school is back in session and we’re seeing a whole lot of new faces here at the library, we thought it would be a good idea to share a few of the library rules with everyone:


  • Children under 11 years old must be accompanied by an adult while in the library.
  • Minors aged 11 up to 18 may be in the library unattended, but may only use the computer room with signed permission from a parent or legal guardian. You can ask for this form at the front desk!
  • No food is allowed in the library. Drinks must have lids and are not allowed near library computers.
  • ALL patrons must present a library card (or legal ID, e.g. driver’s license) to check out materials.

We appreciate everyone’s cooperation in keeping the library safe and accessible. Welcome to all the new patrons who have gotten library cards recently!


And finally, just two more announcements: The monthly Anderson County Library Board meeting will be held at the Norris Pavilion on September 14th at 5:30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Summer is drawing to a close, but we still wanted to let everyone know that the library offers proctoring services for the TWRA Boating Safety Exam. Tennessee residents born after January 1st, 1989 must have proof of passing in the form of a TWRA wallet Boating Safety Education Certificate when operating a boat with more than 8.5 horsepower. If you or someone you know is interested in this service, please call the library at 865-494-6800 to schedule a testing session.

What your librarians are reading this month!

  • Kimberlee: Tessa Miyata is No Hero by Julie Abe
  • Kelsie: Pageboy by Elliot Page
  • Chuck: The Brotherhood of the Rose by David Morrell
  • Nina: The Girl from the Other Side (series) by Nagabe